Network Editors and Headless Admins can suspend and restore permissions on user accounts, and Managers can restore previously-held permissions.
As a security measure, any elevated Chorus permissions are automatically suspended if the account holder does not log in for 90 days. If you have a contributor returning after a break, you'll need to restore their permissions before they can access Chorus.
Restoring permissions
To restore permissions to a user:
- Search for the account and select the magnifying glass to open their Inspect page.
- In the Account section, select Restore permissions and select Ok on the confirmation pop-up.
About suspended permissions
When a person’s account has suspended permissions, they will not be able to:
- Access any Chorus content tools, such as the story editor or any of the dashboards
- Create or edit content
However, they'll still be able to:
- Be added in bylines
- Have a public user profile or author profile
- Log in, and change their username and password
Manually suspending permissions
If you know a contributor is going to be taking a break, you can choose to suspend their permissions. When they're back, you'll be able to restore the exact permission level they previously held.
- Search for the account and select the magnifying glass to open their Inspect page.
- In the Account section, select Suspend permissions and select Ok on the confirmation pop-up.
The user’s permissions are now suspended. Previous permission settings will continue to be visible on the edit user screen.