Select the search icon on the Chorus dashboard to expand the search sidebar. You can search for stories by:
- keywords and phrases
- story status
- date last updated
- contributor
- story type
- story group
- package name
You can combine these searches to make your query more specific. You can also save any search to easily re-use later.
If you are more comfortable using search phrases you may use the queries below. Type your search terms and hit enter, or click the search icon.
Keyword search phrases
Use quotation marks to search for multiword phrases, such as: “world cup”
This searches the story title and body for matching terms. The most relevant results display first, but you can sort results by latest activity or title.
Status search phrases
- status:scheduled shows stories that are scheduled to publish
- status:published shows stories that have been published
- status:updated or status:changes show stories that have unpublished changes
- status:draft shows all drafts, including new and scheduled stories
- status:embargoed or status:embargo show embargoed stories
- status:submitted shows stories that have been submitted for approval
- status:approved shows stories that have been approved
Date search phrases
You can search stories based on when they were last updated using on:, before:, and after:
For best results, use the full four digit year, spell out the month when writing it out, and stick to the US standard of month, then day.
- on:1/1/2022 shows last updated on the first of the year
- on:September shows stories last updated in September of this year
- on:11.2021 shows stories last updated in November of last year
- on:today shows stories updated today
- on:yesterday shows stories updated yesterday
- before:2016 shows stories updated before 2016
- after:2016 shows stories updated after 2016
- between:01/03/2022-01/10/2022 shows stories updated between the 3rd and the 10th of January of this year
You can also search by original publication date by searching the intended date and then sorting by “Original publish date”.
Contributor search phrases
- by:“Marie Connelly” or by:“marie.connelly”
- Search for stories you’ve contributed to with: by:me
Story type search phrases
- type:story for standard stories—articles, features, and reviews
- type:feature for stories using the feature layout
- type:stream for streams
- type:link for link posts
- type:map or type:mapstack for mapstacks
- type:package for package landing pages
Group search
You can search by the group name or slug, for example:
- group:swimming
- group:“college football recruiting”
- group:college-football-recruiting
Stories within a package
- Use the search phrase package: [name of package] to find all of the stories related to a particular package (e.g. package:”dining on a dime international”)
Combine search phrases
All of these search phrases can be combined. For example, searching for by:me Cubs after:4-2-2019 before:11-3-2019 will show all the stories you wrote about the Cubs during 2019.
Print search phrases
Star Tribune can search for stories based on the print publication date: printon:, printbefore:, printafter:
- printon:1/1/2020 shows stories published in print on the first of the year
- printon:September shows stories published in print during September of this year
- printbefore:11.2020 shows stories published in print before November of last year
- printon:today shows stories published in print today
- printon:yesterday shows stories published in print yesterday
- printafter:2019 shows stories published in print after 2019
Star Tribune’s configure screen and Deseret’s finalize screen allows you to specify a print desk. You can search for stories using that print desk (e.g.: printdesk:G or printdesk:city)
Star Tribune’s configure screen allows you to specify print category, and print placement. You can search for stories in those categories by using the following phrases:
- printcategory (e.g.: printcategory:businessgeneral)
- printplacement (e.g.: printplacement:cover)
Star Tribune’s compose screen allows you to write a print slug for a story. You can search for a story using this print slug (e.g. printslug: “story-about-bugs”)
Star Tribune can search for Clickability or wire stories using an ID that’s generated by those services.
- externalid:clickability:[clickability ID] (e.g.: externalid:clickability:600064729)
- externalid:AP:[AP ID] (e.g.: externalid:AP:775c5c26ef9243f8945d72ddbed95af5Ver1)