The package landing page is used to promote the package and highlight stories within the package. Landing pages are highly customizable and consist of a few elements:
- a cover, featuring key stories from the package, pull quotes, or stand alone videos. This is optional.
- a table of contents, featuring all the stories in the package. This can be disabled on the landing page, but is required to populate the recirculation module at the bottom of stories within the package.
- a package introduction, an open body field that can contain images, embeds, sidebars, and any other object used in Chorus stories. This is optional.
- a call to action, which is automatically generated and always sends audiences to the first story in the package.
The landing page always displays elements in this order—a package introduction cannot be placed above the table of contents, for instance, but optional elements can be skipped.
On the compose screen, you can create all of these elements and customize package headlines and images, groups and tags, and tweets.
Landing page headlines, descriptions, and images
Use the Headlines section to customize search, social, and homepage headlines and images as you would for any other story.
The landing page dek has been designed to accommodate more text than the average story dek—two to three sentences is fine here.
Landing page lead art
The landing page lead art must be an image—embeds, video, and galleries are not supported. This image will be used as a background image for the package title on small screens and will not display for audiences on larger screens unless no stories have been added to the package cover.
We recommend using a textural image that’s at least 1800px wide. Avoid animated gifs here, or keep them very simple to minimize image degradation.
Package tags and groups
In the Tags section, you can generate any suggested tags and autolinks (if applicable), and add the package to any relevant groups or streams.
Package tweet
In the Tweets section, you can create a tweet to be sent out when the package is published. If your site is set up to tweet stories automatically, only the package landing page will have tweets enabled—stories within the package will not automatically tweet out when a package is published. You can reenable tweets on individual stories as needed.
Learn more about customizing the landing page cover and package table of contents. When you’re satisfied with these elements, head to the Preview screen to lay out the landing page or Finalize to publish the package.