Chorus takes care of resizing images for different screen sizes, but we recommend using images that are at least 1800px wide to ensure they look their best, regardless of device or story layout.
Images must be under 100 megapixels (10,000x10,000px).
File types
Chorus supports PNG, JPG, and GIF image formats. SVGs may work, but are not actively supported. TIFF and WEBP images are not supported.
File size
Images up to 4GB can be uploaded, but files under 1MB are preferred.
GIFs should be under 12MB.
When creating or selecting image assets, consider the primary focal point of the image, and how it might display on different story layouts and platforms. In some cases, you may want to respond to ratio constraints by tightly cropping an image or selecting unique images for different platforms.
Lead art images for articles display in a 3:2 ratio, but lead art images for features, as well as promotional images used on homepages and social media, display in a wide range of ratios. When creating or selecting image assets, consider the primary focal point of the image, and how it might display in a range of lockups. In some cases, tightly cropping an image, or selecting a unique social image may be necessary.
Chorus provides a range of different image ratio options, including the original image after any cropping in Chorus may have been applied. These may appear in a wide variety of contexts depending on your organization’s specifications.